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    News of our company

    Tuesday, 17 January 2023 11:08

    Made in Kazakhstan

    Made in Kazakhstan

    Another shipment of Asia Trafo transformers went to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) markets. The equipment will serve the substation "Gorodskaya" of the Borisoglebsk city power grids, the city of Borisoglebsk, the Russian Federation. The device with a capacity of 16,000 kVA is designed for voltage transformation from 35 kV to 10 kV in the electrical networks of a power plant. For efficient operation, the two-winding, three-phase transformer is cooled with forced air circulation, with adjustable on-load tap changer positions (OLTC). The use of this type of transformer makes it possible to provide the consumer with a reliable power supply throughout the entire service life - 30 years. The customer noted the high quality of the equipment, the excellent work done on the packaging of parts and components in the transport position, the timely transfer of documentation.

    It should be noted that Asia Trafo is the largest plant in Central Asia, which is part of the Alageum Electric group of companies. The main products of the plant are autotransformers 110, 220, 500 kV and powerful oil transformers with a capacity of up to 500 MVA, as well as reactors. The design capacity of the station is more than 12,000 MVA per year.

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