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    News of our company

    Monday, 11 November 2019 11:35

    New products of Alageum Electric GP plants

    New products of Alageum Electric GP plants

    Development of new plant products was discussed on November 8 in Aktobe during the regional presentation of Alageum Electric Group of Companies. More than 40 people attended the event. Among them were representatives of government agencies, Regional Electric Grid Company, KEGOC, design institutes as well as the representatives of large construction companies of Aktobe region. The presentation was organized by the Aktobe branch of Alageum Electric JSC with the support of Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

    The Branch Director - Kydyrbaev Almat, told the guests about the activities of Alageum Electric Group of Companies and the construction of a panel radiator production workshop with the planned manufacture in 2020 by Ural Transformer Plant LLP. Representatives of the Kentau Transformer Plant - Nurzhan Sarsenov and Galymzhan Shegebayev talked about the manufacture of new types of products, such as vacuum circuit breakers branded as the "ВВ-АЕ", DRP microprocessor protection as well as the high-voltage cells of KCO2-20kV, switchgear and control gear and KERNEU. Moreover, the plant representatives touched on the issue of the concrete substations manufacture by Aktau Transformer Plant LLP.

    Chief Designer - Adilbek Tazhibayev presented the Azia Trafo plant as the largest transformer plant in Central Asia. The company produces power transformers with voltage class of 110, 220, 500kV with a capacity of up to 500MVA and shunt reactors.

    During the regional presentation, the Deputy Director of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Aktobe region - Zhanaaim Kelbatyrova, explained to businessmen the Government Decree No.358 as of July 26, 2019 “On Establishing Exemptions from the National Regime” and its application in public procurement. In order to protect the country's domestic market and develop the economy during public procurement, the exemptions of goods originating from foreign states was established. At the same time, goods produced by a legal entity of the RK having a Certificate of Origin in the form of “CT-KZ” are allowed to participate in public procurement.

    Guests of the event asked interesting questions and showed an active interest in acquiring equipment of the Alageum Electric Group of Companies. We look forward to further effective cooperation with each company.

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