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    News of our company

    Thursday, 12 September 2019 14:34

    The VII Forum of Mechanical Engineers is held in Nur-Sultan.

    The VII Forum of Mechanical Engineers is held in Nur-Sultan.

    According to the results of the first day of the VII Forum of Mechanical Engineers, «Asia Trafo» LLP and «NC «KTZ» JSC signed a memorandum on the supply of transformers for a total amount of over 600 million tenge until the end of the year.

    Also during the panel session “Young Mechanical Engineers”, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of «Alageum electric» Yerkebulan Ilyasov spoke about how to attract young people to the industry and improve the level of training of specialists in the company.

    Erkebulan Ilyasov elaborated on the activities of the Kentau Polytechnic College (KPC) is one of the structural divisions of «Alageum Electric». The college was established in December 2011. This year, the KPC received a new status, the «Kazakh-German Polytechnic College». The college was created as an educational base for the Kentau transformer plant, because they teach the polytechnic professions related to the needs of the plant there. At the moment, the college is 8 years old, and during this time the college managed to graduate 577 students. 838 people are currently studying. Most of them work for «KTZ» JSC.

    «Each year, the college sends its best students to study abroad. 80% of students at Kentau Polytechnic College study at the expense of state grants. College education is based on the dual system i.e. only 40 percent of the student’s study time is spent on studying theory. 60% of the training time students hone their skills in practice», - said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of «Alageum group».
    At the end of his speech, Erkebulan Ilyasov invited all young people to go to college and promised to employ graduates in structural enterprises of the Alageum Electric holding company, these are Kentau, Aktau, Ural, Shymkent transformer plant, Almaty Electromechanical Plant and other enterprises.

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