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    News of our company

    Friday, 27 January 2023 13:45

    Yerkebulan Ilyassov was elected President of the NGO "Federation" Zhamby atu "

    Yerkebulan Ilyassov was elected President of the NGO "Federation" Zhamby atu "

    The leadership of the Association of National Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been updated. Six new presidents of the federations of national sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan were elected.

    Yerkebulan Ilyasov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alageum Electric JSC, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Electric Machine Builders of Kazakhstan ALE and a member of YPO Kazakhstan, headed the NGO Zhamby Atu Federation.

    “This is a great honor and responsibility for us. National sports are our cultural heritage, which reflect the history of the people. We will make every effort to revive and develop the best traditions of jamba atu not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the world,” said Yerkebulan Ilyassov.

    The Association of National Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of nine federations. Among them are the federations "Tenge Ilu", "Bayge", "Zhamby atu", "Audaryspak", "Kokpar", "Togyzkumalak", "Kusbegilik" and "Asyk atu". The president of the association is Islambek Salzhanov.

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