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    News of our company

    Thursday, 09 March 2023 11:19

    Domestic companies choose Kazakh transformers.

    Domestic companies choose Kazakh transformers.

    Our transformers are used in a wide variety of applications. In the production of power equipment, we always try to focus on customer needs.

    In 2022, our Asia Trafo factory manufactured and supplied transformers for the needs of ERG enterprises:

    - TDTN-16000/110 kV transformer for Severnaya substation of Shubarkol Komir JSC;

    - transformer TDC-125000/110 kV for the combined heat and power plant of Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC;

    - power transformers at GPP-110/10 kV for the reserve of electrical equipment of TNK Kazchrome JSC and the Aktobe ferroalloy plant;

    - transformer TDTSN - 80000/110 kV for the substation of the Aksu Ferroalloy Plant;

    - autotransformer ATDCTN-125000/220/110 kV for power supply of Donskoy GOK.

    Currently, installation supervision work has been fully completed, most of the transformers have already been put into operation.

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