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    News of our company

    Thursday, 12 December 2019 17:15

    Domestic machine builders have received state awards

    Domestic machine builders have received state awards

    On the Independence Day’s eve on December 12, 2019, pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Saydulla Ilyasovich Kozhabayev received the “Order of Otan” state award for the considerable contribution made to the national economic development.

    The individuals receive the “Order of Otan” for special merits in the following areas:

    - Development of the economy, social services, science and culture;

    - Civil, law enforcement and military services, development of democracy and social progress.

    On behalf of the entire team of “Alageum Electric” Group of Companies, we would like to emphasize the great contribution made by Saydulla Ilyasovich to the establishment and development of “Alageum Electric” Group of Companies. Earlier, Saydulla Kozhabayev was awarded with the “Kurmet” and “Parasat” Orders for special merits in the development of economy and production industry.

    Receiving the “Order of Otan” is a recognition of the well-oiled efforts of our entire hearty team and gratitude for the work done by those involved in the achievements of “Alageum Electric” Group of Companies.

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