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    News of our company

    Thursday, 08 December 2022 15:53

    JSC "Kentau Transformer Plant" recognized as the best at the Paryz award

    JSC "Kentau Transformer Plant" recognized as the best at the Paryz award

    Kentau Transformer Plant JSC (hereinafter referred to as KTZ JSC) of the Alageum Electric group of companies was recognized as the winner of the Paryz award in the Best Collective Agreement nomination. The company received this award due to the high social orientation of the document, which significantly improves and strengthens the labor and social rights of employees. The latest version of the collective agreement of KTZ JSC, taking into account changes in the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was developed and adopted in 2021. In addition to the rights and benefits guaranteed by law, the document provides for employee training, preferential vouchers to sanatoriums, payments for anniversaries, and much more.

    JSC "KTZ" pays special attention to the training of qualified personnel - 100% payment of the cost of expenses associated with the training of graduates of universities and colleges is provided. In 2012, Kentau Polytechnic College was opened at KTZ JSC. The educational institution actively uses dual education.

    Alageum Electric group of companies has been working in the field of electrical engineering for 25 years. During this period, the holding team has achieved an incredible result for the industry, actually restoring the bankrupt enterprise, building new plants and becoming the flagship of electrical engineering. The total number of employees of Alageum Electric is about 5,000 employees, the annual tax deductions of the holding reach the amount of 15 billion tenge per year, 650 employees have been provided with apartments for 25 years.

    We will continue to promote our values and adhere to the principles of corporate social responsibility. Through investments in human capital, development of science-intensive production, innovative development - we are ready to contribute to building a fair Kazakhstan.

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