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    News of our company

    Tuesday, 06 December 2022 17:34

    Production of furnace transformers EOTSN - 3500035 kV

    Production of furnace transformers EOTSN - 3500035 kV

    The Asia Trafo plant has mastered the production of transformers for powering ore-thermal furnaces!

    Electric furnace transformers are used to power various industrial electrothermal installations, mainly used in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Such installations include: electric arc steel-smelting furnaces that melt steel with an electric arc of alternating current; induction melting furnaces, melting metal by induction heating; electroslag remelting furnaces, ore-thermal furnaces and some others. The parameters and modes of operation of such electric furnaces have characteristic features that differ sharply from other pantographs. Accordingly, electric furnace transformers vary significantly in their parameters and design from general-purpose power transformers.

    To date, installation work has been completed on 3 transformers of the EOTSN-35000/35 kV type at the Zhezkazgan city copper smelter of Kazakhmys Smelting LLP.

    Thanks to high qualifications and well-coordinated work and the desire to achieve new heights, the Asia Trafo manufacturing team mastered the technology for the production of furnace transformers and contributed to the expansion of the range of products and the development of Alageum Electric Group of Companies.

    Now our team of professionals designs, manufactures and repairs transformers of any type of voltage class 10-500 kV and is always open to new solutions. Transform the future with Alageum Electric

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