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    News of our company

    Traditionally, the Independence Day’s eve has been marked with an awarding ceremony held in Nur-Sultan for the winners of the “Altyn Sapa” award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and award winners of the republican contest-exhibition the “Best product of Kazakhstan”, as well as winners of the “ALTYN OIMAQ”, “Business Kemeldіlіk”, “ISKER", "ULY DALA YELI" contests.National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic Kazakhstan “Atameken” organized the “Altyn Sapa” ceremony, “Atameken” experts together with independent experts evaluated two hundred…
    On the Independence Day’s eve on December 12, 2019, pursuant to the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Saydulla Ilyasovich Kozhabayev received the “Order of Otan” state award for the considerable contribution made to the national economic development.The individuals receive the “Order of Otan” for special merits in the following areas:- Development of the economy, social services, science and culture;- Civil, law enforcement and military services, development of democracy and social…
    On December 12, 2019, the representatives of state authorities and regional entrepreneurs took part in a meeting held at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda Region, where the substation products and transformers of Alageum Electric JSC and supplies from China financed by the International Fund for Cooperation and Industry SRC (PRC) were presented. While giving a welcome speech, the head of the project support department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Karaganda Region, Adil Seilov explained to businessmen…
    Monday, 11 November 2019 11:35

    New products of Alageum Electric GP plants

    Development of new plant products was discussed on November 8 in Aktobe during the regional presentation of Alageum Electric Group of Companies. More than 40 people attended the event. Among them were representatives of government agencies, Regional Electric Grid Company, KEGOC, design institutes as well as the representatives of large construction companies of Aktobe region. The presentation was organized by the Aktobe branch of Alageum Electric JSC with the support of Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.The Branch Director - Kydyrbaev…
    4 октября в Шымкенте состоялась торжественная презентация первого в Центральной Азии и Казахстане автотрансформатора мощностью 63 МВА класса напряжения 220 кВ. Инновационный прорыв в сфере машиностроения удалось совершить, объединив усилия науки и бизнеса. Сверхмощный автотрансформатор был разработан и произведен учеными и инженерами Кентауского трансформаторного завода, входящего в состав группы компании «Alageum Electric», АО «КазНИПИИТЭС «Энергия» и ТОО «Электродеталь». Даная разработка была поддержана в 2017 году в рамках программы «Консорциумы продуктивных инноваций» совместного Проекта «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций», реализуемого Министерством образования и…


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